From Our Students and Parents

My son has always been a good student, but he is thriving like never before in the exceptional environment of Hope United Academy. The individual attention and support he receives enable him to challenge himself and excel. He is learning far above grade level in many areas and loves school in a way we never thought possible. Hope United has been a blessing for us.

— Parent

Our daughter had fallen through the cracks in public and private schools. Our smart child was losing her confidence. When we first met Angie Benner, she immediately connected with our daughter. Angie had seen these struggles before and knew that a different teaching approach was needed. When Hope United Academy opened, it was the answer to our prayers. We have watched our daughter blossom into a confident student, sometimes working ahead of her grade level and enjoying success for the first time in years. The small class size is a huge advantage, and every student is taught according to their style of learning. There is collaboration between teachers and parents. It is truly a team effort which pays off in a beautiful way. Our daughter is loved and nurtured and is finally getting the education she needs.

— Parent

I like that my friends and I get to give input on the rules of our classes. If teens get to give input on how classes run, they will be more likely to have a peaceful day. The teachers here really care about me, and their actions prove it; they don’t just say the words without backing them up. I can’t believe I liked Shakespeare! I never thought I would be so far along in math. It used to be the subject I liked least. I like the devotion and praise time because we ALL get to participate through questions and discussion. I like goal-setting because it motivates me to do my best on homework, quizzes, tests, and behavior.

— Student, age 14

We have been thrilled with the progress we’ve seen in our student since starting at HUA. We homeschooled for years and wanted him to have some classroom experience, but most teachers struggled to accommodate for his learning differences. Since coming to HUA, he has learned how to see his own strengths, how to be more organized, and how to encourage peers.

— Parent

I have always homeschooled, and I loved it. However, there were times my mom and I got frustrated with one another. In this program, I am better prepared than ever before. The teachers give me the instruction I need with the frequency, repetition, and reinforcement I need. I am encouraged when it is homework time. I typically understand all, but if I need help, I can reach out to the teachers for help at night or during private meeting times during the day.

— Student, age 16

The teachers help me during our one-on-one private instruction time. They take what I feel into consideration when making decisions. They make me feel heard. My organizational skills have improved drastically since I have been a part of Hope, and I think I will carry some of these skills with me when I become an engineer.

— Student, age 15

Our son has ADHD, visual processing issues, and is deaf in one ear. He previously attended a small private school. Our hope was that lower student/teacher ratios and more individualized attention would allow him to succeed. We found this was not the case. He struggled daily in school. This greatly impacted his self-esteem.

When the opportunity arose for our son to attend HUA, we readily agreed, and it was the best decision we could have made for him. The academic development and growth that we have seen in the past 18 months has been an amazing transformation. Angie and her team do an excellent job of creating individualized academic plans for each student and ensuring those plans met and/or adapted as needed to accommodate the changing needs of the student. Our son’s abilities have flourished in Hope United Academy’s small group setting.

Today, our son feels loved by his teachers. His grades have dramatically improved. He is actually learning and achieving; he is not just memorizing information for tests. His self-esteem and confidence have continued to grow.

— Parent

I like the environment here because everyone is energetic, kind, and humorous. The teachers involve students in interactive learning that helps me remember information. Although I am quiet at first, the teachers have recognized my leadership abilities, and they let me help others. My friends call me “The Professor” and I like that. Our morning devotions and praise songs give me mental and spiritual energy throughout the day.

— Student, age 14

My student’s ability and confidence has blossomed at Hope. He finally enjoys school and sees himself as a great student with so much to contribute.

— Parent

We love the environment of HUA - it just feels different from the moment you walk in the doors. Teachers are invested in the success of each student. Our son is learning and achieving, not just memorizing. His self esteem and confidence continue to grow.

— Parent

Students and teachers are all one group. We all work in tandem with one another. It is like a family here. The teachers try to find the best ways to help students learn. I love that we have devotion every day. Jesus is the center of all things.

— Student, age 14